Our Mission Statement:
Gathering people of God into community
Growing followers of Jesus Christ in faith, hope, and love
Sending servants of the Holy Spirit into the world
We are glad you stopped by our website to find out more about Anchorage Presbyterian Church. We are a proud member of PC (USA) and have been designated a Matthew 25 church. We would love to have you join us for our worship services and other activities.
Children are an important part of our congregation at Anchorage Presbyterian Church. Please click here to read more about our offerings for children including our Christian Education program during the Faith Formation hour (9:30-10:45 a.m.) for children ages 2 and older. Childcare is provided from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. most Sundays, as well as for most church functions.
We have a unique and special covenant relationship with the other churches in our area: St. Luke's Episcopal Church and Epiphany Catholic Church which has included shared worship services and a commitment to prayer for our the people and ministries at these neighbor churches. Each summer, all three churches combine efforts for Bibletimes Marketplace, our ecumenical version of Vacation Bible School.
Our church is also dedicated to mission opportunities in our local community and around the world. Currently 15% of our budget is dedicated to supporting the needs of various organizations. Through both volunteerism and financial support, we are involved in organizations such as Hope Health Clinic, Presbyterian Homes and Services, Living Waters for the world, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Cedar Ridge Camp, Kentucky Refugee Ministries, Habitat for Humanity, West End School, Cabbage Patch, Bellewood, and Eastern Area Community Ministries.
Please explore our website to learn more about our church.