In 2003, Anchorage Presbyterian installed a Schantz pipe organ, dramatically changing the musical landscape of our sanctuary. On this page you can learn about the inner-workings of this powerful instrument. In the weeks and months, we'll add new videos of special performances, journeys into the three parts of the organ, and some fun things you may not have thought about if you've never played a pipe organ. But, if you really want to experience the organ its fully glory, join us for worship on Sundays.

Pedal Division
Pedal Division
32' Resultant
16' Subbass
16' Gedeckt
8' Octave
8' Bourdon
4' Choralbass
4' Open Flute
2' Super Octave
16' Contre Trompette
16' Basson
8' Trompette
4' Hautbois
32 notes
56 pipes
56 pipes
12 pipes

Swell Division
Swell Division
8' Chimney Flute
8' Viole de gambe
8' Voix Celeste
4 Principal
61 pipes
61 pipes
54 pipes
61 pipes
4' Koppelflote
4' Octavin
16' Basson
8' Trompette
61 pipes
61 pipes
73 pipes
73 pipes
8' Hautebois
4' Clairon
8' Trumpet
5 Bells

16' Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
8' Gemshorn
4' Octave
4' Traversflote
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Fachflote
1 3/5' Tierce
2' Mixture IV
8' Trompette
8' Trumpet
73 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
61 pipes
244 pipes
61 pipes
25 bells
Great Division
Hover over a section of
organ to see more.