Governance and Church Officers
Anchorage Presbyterian Church is a proud member of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The councils of the PC(USA) are listed below in order from smallest to largest:
Local Church Session
The leadership body of our church is known as the Session. It’s made up of elders elected from the congregation.
Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky
The church’s regional body of leadership is called the Presbytery. APC Belongs to the Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky.
Synod of the Living Waters
The greater regional body of the church is the Synod which is made up of presbyteries within a particular geographic area. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of Living Waters.
General Assembly
The national body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is the General Assembly. Meetings of the General Assembly occur every other year.
All PC(USA) bodies are governed by a constitution, which has two parts:
Book of Confessions – The doctrinal statements that convey what the church believes.
Book of Order – The policies and procedures of the church to enable it to carry out its ministries.
The Session of Anchorage Presbyterian Church
The Session’s primary responsibilities are to support and supervise the work of the church and assure appropriate stewardship of resources. Ruling Elders (members who are called to serve on the Session) are nominated each year in the summer and serve three-year terms. Ministers of Word and Sacrament (our ordained Clergy) also sit on the Session.
Ruling Elders:
Class of 2025: Kathy Doughten, Cole Asher, Stacey Torgerson, Jacob Yunker, and Harrison Bayne (1-year term)
Class of 2026: Barbara Kuhn , Margaret Fadeley, Julie Kaebnick
Class of 2027: Anne Harryman, Nathan Bayne, Susan Turner

The Deacons are the caregivers of the congregation who provide pastoral care, along with the pastors, to our homebound members and meet other needs of our members. Each December, along with the ministers, they lead a Service of Hope and Healing for those for whom the holidays are a difficult time. Our current deacons include:
Class of 2025: Suraj Alexander, Glenna Henkenmeier and Nina McMahon
Class of 2026: Jane Benner, Gayle Bonnarens and Ann Walthall
Class of 2027: Mary Witherspoon, Robin Hughes, and Matt Torgerson
Faith Community Nurse: Pat Welsh

Made up of members of our congregation, APC has six teams that are under the authority of the Session. Committed to serving the congregation and supporting the overall mission, the following teams work on specific tasks, projects, or areas of responsibility. They play a crucial role in decision-making, planning, and implementation, contributing their time, expertise, and insights to enhance the church's spiritual, organizational, and community-oriented objectives. They work together to ensure the smooth operation and vitality of the church community. Scroll through the flyers below to see what they all do!
Worship & Faith Formation Team
Mission: Nurture the spiritual growth and well-being of our congregation through meaningful worship experiences and opportunities for spiritual reflection and formation.
Fellowship Team
Mission: Foster a sense of community and belonging within the congregation through events and gatherings.
Mission Team
Mission: Facilitate the opening of minds and hearts so that as individuals and as a church we may engage with the community in responding to the hungry, sick, imprisoned, oppressed, disenfranchised, and homeless in a way that lifts them up from poverty and despair to hope.
Personnel Team
Mission: Support and care for the church's staff to create a healthy and productive work environment.
Finance & Stewardship Team
Mission: Ensure responsible management of the church's financial resources and promote stewardship within the congregation.
Building & Grounds Team
Mission: Care for the physical space of the church to create a welcoming and safe environment for worship and community activities.