Children in Worship
Children and youth are at the heart of our church. We hope they and their families feel welcome in all we do.

Sharing the Faith with Our Children
In the 11:00 a.m. service, our members and ministers lead "Sharing Faith with Our Children" toward the beginning of the service. Children and children-at-heart are welcome to come forward at that time.

Worship Bags for Children
Worship bags with coloring materials are provided at all services and children are always welcome to stay with their parents in the pews.[picture of worship bag]

Agape Kidz
During the school year (September-May), school aged children are invited to attend "Agape Kidz" where they leave the sanctuary during the sermon and sing and do crafts with our children's choir director, Darla, before returning to worship during the offertory.

Leading Worship
On Christmas Eve, the 4 p.m. service is led by our children.