On October 1, 1799, what we now call Anchorage Presbyterian Church was organized by the Presbytery of Transylvania. Originally located in Middletown and known as Middletown Presbyterian, a new sanctuary was built in Anchorage in 1869 for $12,000. Total membership at the time was less than 60.
More than two centuries since its founding, Anchorage Presbyterian has grown its physical footprint, its membership, and its mission. We are indebted to those who have gone before us for who, through the commitments of time, talent and treasure, that have ensured our faith community’s survival.
The 1799 Society celebrates individuals who have committed to sustaining the mission and ministries of Anchorage Presbyterian Church through their will or estate plans. Joining the 1799 Society allows you to extend your gifts beyond the present moment, turning your pledge into a lasting legacy.
While traditional gifts like service, worship attendance, annual pledges, and mission participation are invaluable, they often focus on the here and now. What about the church's mission for the future?
Your legacy gift can make a world of difference in shaping that future, opening the door to endless possibilities for growth, outreach, and impact.

Barb Kuhn
Larry Cashen & Susan Turner
E.J. Schickli

There are various giving avenues that qualify you for membership in the 1799 Society. Collaborate with your financial advisors to develop a plan which incorporates future support for the church.
Bequest – designate Anchorage Presbyterian as a beneficiary in your will, revocable trust, or retirement plan.
Charitable Remainder Trusts – This option provides income to you and/or a loved one either for life or a set term.
Life insurance gifts - transfer your policy to the church
Real estate contributions - leave property you own to the church
Retirement plan donations - donate a portion of your principal assets, which can be exempted from your gross income (tax-free rollover), fulfilling your required minimum distribution while you are alive. To avail of this benefit, donors must be aged 70 1/2 or older at the time of the contribution.
For tailored advice on how to make a legacy gift through your will, trust, or retirement plan, please consult the church. We can connect you with church members who can guide you on charitable and tax strategies that align with your philanthropic intentions.

As a member of the 1799 Society, your leadership serves as an influential example for others contemplating enduring, impactful financial commitments. Three benefits of informing us about your planned gift:
We can honor you with membership in the 1799 Society including an invitation to an annual catered luncheon.
Even anonymously, you set an example for others to follow.
Your specific intentions and wishes for your donation will be respectfully fulfilled.

11403 Park Road
Anchorage, Kentucky 40223
Mailing Address
P.O.Box 23316
Anchorage, KY 40223